Latest News Articles

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− Gamaredon's operations under the microscope

ESET research examines the group's malicious wares as used to spy on targets in Ukraine in the past two years

− Microsoft to start charging for Windows 10 updates next year. Here's how much

Businesses can expect to pay a high sum for a subscription to Windows 10 Extended Security Updates.

− Israeli Group Claims Lebanon Water Hack as CISA Reiterates Warning on Simple ICS Attacks

An Israeli group has claimed responsibility for an attack on Lebanese water infrastructure. The Israeli groups, Red Evil and We Red Evils, claimed responsibility for an attack on water infrastructure it claimed was used by Hezbollah. The groups claimed to have remotely changed the chlorine levels of the water

− Iranian Cyber Actors Targeting Personal Accounts to Support Operations

This IRGC cyber activity is targeted against individuals with a nexus to Iranian and Middle Eastern affairs; such as current or former senior government officials, senior think tank personnel, journalists, activists, and lobbyists. Additionally, FBI has observed these actors targeting persons associated with US political campaign activity, likely in support of information operations.


− Critical Vulnerabilities in Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenPrinting CUPS

Red Hat has disclosed details of a group of vulnerabilities (CVE-2024-47076, CVE-2024-47175, CVE-2024-47176 and CVE-2024-47177) within OpenPrinting CUPS,

Community News

− European Cybersecurity Skills Conference: Intensifying our efforts to close the cybersecurity skills gap in the EU

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in collaboration with the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU organised the 3rd edition of the European Cybersecurity Skills Conference.

− Promoting security in the digital world during the European Cybersecurity Month

This year’s campaign theme is social engineering, a prevalent cybersecurity threat in the digital landscape.

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